Wednesday 14 July 2010

An Expensive Day Out

The rain eventually stopped and we drove over to the Philadelphia Art Museum.  This is yet another major collection which illustrates the purchasing power of the dollar over the last century.  As a bonus it was holding a special exhibition of late Renoir paintings.  Once again we saw paintings by Picasso, Monet, Van Gough, Pissaro, Dali, Matisse, Turner, Constable, and the inevitable Miro!  We wandered around it for about three hours and emerged on to the steps which found fame in the film "Rocky".  Apparently the Rocky character played by Sylvester Stallone finished his training run each day by running up the steps to the museum.  There's even a statue of Stallone as Rocky at the bottom!

However, when we returned to the car we discovered a notice from the Philadelphia Parking Authority tucked under the windscreen wipers.  A fine of $76 for parking within 15 feet of of a fire hydrant!  We're going into town this morning and will visit te PPA's office to plead the ignorance of foreign visitors about fire hydrants but I'm not holding my breath and suspect that we'll end the day $76 poorer!

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